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Providing content for "African Future"

If you wish to contact the media house to provide press releases or photos for "African Future" to consider for publication in the magazine, send an e-mail to the newsdesk of afrol News SL. Please do only provide us with releases about the work of cooperation agencies, institutions, NGOs or scholars strictly related to Africa's development or humanitarian situation; new African development studies or research; events relating to African development; or Africa-related alerts. Relevant content will also be considered for translation for our Spanish language sister publication ("Futuro Africano").

Example of page with advertisementsOpinion pieces
You are also invited to provide the newsdesk with relevant opinion pieces, or reactions to "African Future" articles, for the editor's consideration. Larger articles or opinion pieces may be submitted in English or Spanish language only. Short comments may also be accepted in Portuguese, French, German, Italian, Galician, Catalonian or Scandinavian languages.

Job offers, tenders and other announcements
The magazine "African Future" also offers space to publish announcements relevant to the development cooperation community, including job offers within the sector, tenders, project announcements and information about application for funds, guaranteeing these announcements will reach the most relevant international readership. Any languages are accepted and free translation into English or Spanish is offered. Get in touch with afrol News SL to obtain an economic offer and information about formats by writing to

There exists a limited and exclusive space for commercial advertisements in the monthly "African Future" magazine and its Spanish sister publication "Futuro Africano". We only accept ads relevant to our readership. Our advertisers may rest assured that their announcements reach out to the most relevant audience possible. Get in touch with afrol News SL to obtain an economic offer and information about formats by writing to

afrol News SL
Avenida Primero de Mayo 48, 3dcha
E - 35002 Las Palmas de GC, Islas Canarias, Spain
Telephone: +34-928.38.35.58


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